Book Study

Book Study
Small-Group Instruction A Differentiated Teaching Model for Beginning and Struggling Readers by Beverly Tyner

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Let's get started!

I am very excited about all of us sharing this blog to discuss balanced literacy and books. It really started as a proposed book study on just one book; however, many of us have read or reread some our other professional books this school year, and it would be great to share them with each other.

Through this blog we can discuss ideas and  share knowledge to grow professionally. Also, it will be a good way to maintain contact during the summer. It's a great way to make our PLC stronger!

Earlier this year, Ms.Serafini bought us the book, Small Group Reading Instruction by Beverly Tyner. Let's start there...Read Chapter 1 and post a comment about the chapter. Feel free to make comparisons to other books or to your classroom. There will be no wrong answers or questions and no judgements. Let's enjoy sharing and learning from one another!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. First, we will set up a google account using our school email and password. Then we will click "continue" and go to Helen Ball Book Study blog page. Scroll down to "comments" and a box will open up. Type your comments and press publish to post your commets to the blog.

  3. How exciting to see how technologically advanced we Dalmatians are! This is going to be an awesome site to share ideas, provide support and help each other out as we learn more about Guided Reading! Happy Reading!!!

  4. I am excited to do this blog! Last time I used a blog was during my online classes! I hope this is a good educational experience.

  5. I am looking forward to learning from my collegues and sharing ideas.

  6. Looking forward to blogging!

  7. Don't forget to purchase your ice cream for $1.00 afterschool!
